BB Professionals, was established in 1990 with the aim of dedicating itself to provide impeccable services to the Indian Automation Industry
We turn 30 year young this year and it has been a great journey together towards transformation. Your steadfast support and trust in BB PROFESSIONALS solutions and services, has always inspired us to redefine innovation and customer experience.WHY BB Professionals?

- Rajasthan based organization.
- Backed with 30 years of experience.
- Support customers' business growth with premier technology partners and certified team of Professionals & Engineers for onsite support and consulting.
- Addresses end to end solutions and owns complete lifecycle of their customers, ensuring hassle free deployment and adoption of technology.
- Small to large customers across different industry verticals, testifying our experience to scale up with SMB customers.
- Having served more than 7000 customers and handled over 50 Infrastructure Projects, we redefine innovation to build Customer Trust & Experience.